
  • ”Alternativ Rapport om Danmark” , 2020.

Denne alternative rapport til FN’s Komité om Afskaffelse af Alle Former for Racediskrimination, er udarbejdet i samarbejde med forskellige NGO’er, der beskriver diskrimination og racisme i Danmark.

This alternative report to the Committee on The Elimination of Racial Discrimination was prepared in collaboration with different NGO’s, who describes discrimination and racism in Denmark.

  • ”For kvinder, der søger asyl i Danmark”

En vejledningspjece til kvinder, der søger asyl i Danmark.

A guidebook for women seeking asylum in Denmark.

دليل للنساء طالبات اللجوء في الدنمارك

  • ”Europaløsningen”, 2020

En vejledning i retten til familiesammenføring efter EU-reglerne.

  • ”Alternative Coalition Report to the Universal Periodic Review of Denmark (3rd cycle)”, 2020

Every five years, the UN Human Rights Council must assess Denmark’s overall efforts to live up to the UN conventions to which Denmark has acceded. This happens in the so-called Universal Periodic Review- often simply called UPR.

This report is a contribution to the upcoming UPR of Denmark. The report provides analysis of the current situation and challenges, and recommendations to what the Government needs to do to address the situation.

The documentations of previous universal periodic review of Denmark can be found at here.

  • ”Velbegrundet frygt – om troværdighed og risiko i asylsager” 2020

En rapport udarbejdet af Refugees Welcome. Læs mere om rapporten og bestil den her.